Fuel Efficiency Training

Lower Your Running Costs

With fuel costs reaching record levels, it is essential that you get the best out of your investment to maximise your profit margins; fuel efficiency training can increase your fleet mpg by 5% – 10%, saving thousands of pounds over a year. Fuel efficiency driver training empowers drivers to use cruise control and regulate accelerator, and brake control whilst encouraging them to raise their point of vision to improve planning and maintain vehicle flow; our fuel efficiency instructor, Mike Williams, is Volvo trained with over 35 years in the transport industry

Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Whether you’re self-employed and drive for work or have a fleet of vehicles on the road, our fuel efficiency driver training will benefit you.

Our Fuel Efficient Driver training is tailored to suit your business needs and driver availability. We can supply you with just a basic check on a driver’s skill level, along with a risk assessment, to a complete fuel-efficient driver training program. All are done on a one-to-one basis in our Volvo FH Automatic vehicles.

image of a volvo truck undertaking fuel efficincy training
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What Is Fuel Efficient Driving?

Fuel efficiency is essential to the environment and your wallet. The average driver can cut their fuel consumption by 10% with some minor changes in how they drive, and this also has implications for you!

Helping your employees save money and lower the carbon footprint of their workplace is a win-win for everyone. Our Fuel Efficient Training can help you get started!

Our driver training programs are designed to help people become safer and more responsible drivers.

The course focuses on teaching participants how best to use their vehicle’s controls and to develop anticipation skills by having them anticipate what will happen before it does!

The main benefit of this training is improved fuel efficiency. With drivers able to travel further using less fuel, saving money and reducing emissions in the process!


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D4 Flexspace,
Zone 1, Deeside Industrial Estate,

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01244 820666

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07500 372882



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